14 Year Olds Job Applications - so you wanna make some cash? Cool cool cool. I mean, it's not like you have bills to pay or anything, but having some extra dough in your pocket can buy some sweet snacks or help you save up for that new game console you've been eyeing. But like, how do you even get a job when you're only 14? Fear not, my young grasshopper, for I have scoured the interwebs and found some job applications for 14 year olds! Check it out:
Safeway Job Application For 14 Year Olds
Resume your bike and apply!
Who needs a car when you have a bike, amirite? Get that cardio in and ride on over to Safeway to apply for a job. They've got an application just for 14 year olds. Think about it, you could be the one stocking the ice cream aisle...that's some real power right there.

Online Job Applications For 14 Year Olds
Don't even have to leave the house
Forget getting all sweaty from riding your bike or having to muster up the courage to ask for an application in person. You can apply for jobs online, my friend. Just make sure you have a good internet connection and maybe give your mom some advanced notice so she doesn't hog all the bandwidth with her Netflix binge session.
Jobs for 14 Year Olds: Opportunities for Young Teens
Real jobs for real money
So maybe working at Safeway or applying online isn't your cup of tea. No worries, there are other options out there for you. Some places that usually hire 14 year olds include fast food restaurants, movie theaters, and amusement parks. Plus, if you work at an amusement park, you might even get some free rides!

Online Job Applications For 14 Year Olds (Part 2)
Because it's just that easy
Did I mention you can apply for jobs online? Seriously, it's a thing. There are websites like Snagajob and Groovejob that specifically list jobs for teenagers, so you can easily search for something that interests you. But be warned, some jobs may require a work permit from your school, so make sure you check that out first.

Okay, so now that you know where to apply, how do you actually get the job? Here are some tips and tricks:
Be Prepared
Have an updated resume (even if it's just a list of your skills and experience), references (teachers or coaches are good choices), and make sure you look presentable (no pajamas, please).
Practice Your Social Skills
You don't have to be a social butterfly, but you should be able to communicate effectively and politely. Practice your handshake, make eye contact, and don't be afraid to ask questions about the job.
Be Flexible
Employers may not be able to give you the exact hours you want, so be willing to compromise a bit. Plus, showing that you're flexible and willing to work shows that you're responsible and reliable.
Follow Up
After you apply, wait a few days and then follow up with the employer. This shows that you're interested and motivated. And hey, even if you don't get the job, it doesn't hurt to have some practice with interviewing and following up.
So there you have it, my friends. Some job applications for 14 year olds and some tips on how to snag that job. Now go forth and make that cash!
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